One of a Kind
Llove for you to join us.
Register for a Class Today

Connect 1:1 with Llamas
Llama’s will be roaming freely while we are doing yoga and guests are invited to pet, get pose support and just enjoy these lovable and kind animals. Afterwards, hang out for a bit to engage even more with the llama’s, take pictures, or ask our knowledgeable 4-H kids any llama questions you may have. Ages 8 and over are welcome. Bring your yoga mat, some water, and an old towel or 2(if you don’t want your mat to get dirty, the pasture can get dusty and the llamas may walk on your mat). You will leave with your heart captured by the llamas!

Our Yoga is for Everyone
Any level is welcome to the Yoga with Llama classes. We will be doing about an hour of yoga and will always show modifications or ways to deepen a pose, allowing you to listen to your body and decide what you feel like doing that day. We also want you to take a break during yoga if a llama is near you to enjoy them.

Have Fun
This is not your typical yoga and not your typical llama farm. Yes you will enjoy the peace of mind and health benefits but we also laugh, have fun, become present in nature and all the joy that comes with it. Make friends with others and these amazing animals. The 4-H kids work hard to train the llamas for different contests at the Carver County Fair and the Minnesota State Fair. Because of this the llamas are incredible easygoing around people. And as a side note, there are even a couple of animals that have recently become therapy animals!
Scheduled Llama Dates
Below is a list of all the Yoga with Llama classes that have been scheduled. Click on any date that interests you.
We are able to accommodate non-profit groups of up to 15 people and offer 30 minutes extra of llama time after class. The extras include walking, brushing and learning a bit more about these llovable animals. We can only handle one group for each date, so please contact us ahead of time to see if your date is available. Please email findyouranandayoga@gmail.com or call (507) 593-9931 The price will still be $25/person, so basically the extras are FREE!
This year we are collaborating with Tasteful Tables Luxury Picnics & Events. You can book a 1 hour luxury picnic that will take place after our yoga session on the grounds of Carlson’s farm. Click the button below to find out more information (clicking on the button will take you to Tasteful Tables website).
Check Us Out
On TCLive
Yoga with Llamas
Directions to Avoid any
Llama Drama
If you use Apple Maps, please type in:
8380 County Rd 10 East, Waconia, MN 55387
The entrance to Carlson’s Llovable Llamas is just north off of County Rd 10 on Nelson’s Cartway. Parking on the right.
Using Google Maps? Just click the picture of the map. Thanks.
Feeling the Llove
Why we started Yoga with Llamas:
Brenda brought the idea to me (Michelle) last winter (2017) after participating in another animal yoga class. Her kids are 4-Her’s at Carlson’s Llovable Llamas and she volunteered there coordinating all the kids, which is where she found her love of llamas. I immediately agreed! I have a zoology major and have been teaching yoga for 12 years, so it was a no-brainer for me to combine the two loves of my life. As we were brainstorming for how to run it, our thought was that it would be a one and done class. We posted it on FaceBook and watched this single date blow up to proportions that frankly, scared us. Realizing we weren’t going to have to beg for people to sign up, we actually had to put a limit to how many people could come and we held our first class with 70 participants. Rick Carlson (owner of the farm) was kind enough to allow us to squeeze 14 more classes into his already very busy schedule for the summer of 2018 and because of all of you, it was a huge success! It really does bring us great joy to see you interacting with the llamas and leaving with smiles on your faces. Thank you so much! We appreciate all of you!

Brenda Zachrison
Llama Manager

Michelle Darsow

Yoga with Llamas
Carlson’s Llovable Llamas
8380 County Road 10 E
Waconia, Minnesota 55387